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来源:18183 作者:ELi 时间:2017-07-20

我们今天在携带版和Win 10上推出了一个微微微小的更新。但好东西总是不起眼的:既然这样,商城中就加入了三个新皮肤包,给了坐立不安的审美家一些额外的选择。任何类型的战斗特性都在皮肤包内可用,还有古代战士和未来的探险者。

We’re rolling out a teeny tiny update to Pocket and Windows 10 today. But good things come in small packages: in this case, three new skin packs have been added to the Marketplace, giving antsy aesthetes extra options. Beasts of all kinds feature in the packs available, alongside ancient warriors and futuristic explorers. Check them out on Marketplace by clicking this very link!

首先请看战斗与野兽皮肤包。其实这是将两个主机版的经典皮肤包合并成一个的,现在携带版和Win 10的玩家也能享用了。这些皮肤纪念了野兽和趾高气昂的战士们。

First up we have the Battle & Beasts Skin Pack. This is actually two skins packs fused into one - both beloved classics from Console Edition, now made freshy available for Pocket and Win 10 players. The skins celebrate wild animals and mighty warriors of many nations. Click here to find it on Marketplace!








Next is a skin pack from one of our newest partners: Irish! It’s a set of skins for interplanetary explorers, divided into colour coded teams. You can find it on Marketplace by clicking here! Also: watch out for an interview with Irish in the next few days!



As an added extra, we squished a few bugs too: we sorted out some lag Android devices were experiencing when accessing resource packs, and put a stop to some crashes at launch and when loading worlds while holding compasses or clocks. Now you can enjoy loading worlds with any kind of orientation devices safely in hand! What a bonus.


And finally, creative crew Imagiverse are back with a pet-themed skin pack. Be the parrot you want to see in the world! Click here to be taken to it's spot on Marketplace.


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我的世界 Minecraft


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游戏语言: 简体中文

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