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来源:www.18183.com 作者:白鼠77 时间:2018-02-13





   This magical tree is one of the four magic tree saplings that can be found as treasure within a Leaf Dungeon. The Tree of Time is a special tree that will speed up any crop or plant growth anywhere around it. Adventurers may hear a ticking noise while around this tree.

   Also, adventurers may note that once one plants a Tree of Time, you cannot get back the magic core containing the special property of the tree. If one breaks the core the tree will no longer function.




   This magical pickaxe-looking tree is a special tree that can be found as a sapling within a Leaf Dungeon. The Miner's Tree will pull up different ores from the ground, making it a very valuable tree. This tree will act the same as an Ore Magnet, but will not run out.

   Also, adventurers may note that once one plants a Miner's Tree, you cannot get back the magic core containing the special property of the tree. If one breaks the core the tree will no longer function.

  这个是4种魔法树之一的呃……分类树?官方名字是Sorting Tree




   The Sorting Tree is a small tree that can be found as a sapling within a Leaf Dungeon. This special tree will properly sort items within chests around it. Sorting Trees will sort similar items into stacks.

   Also, adventurers may note that once one plants a Sorting Tree, you cannot get back the magic core containing the special property of the tree. If one breaks the core the tree will no longer function





   The Tree of Transformation is a magical tree with special particles raining down from it. This tree can only be found as a sapling and as treasure within a Leaf Dungeon, similar to the other magic trees. Adventurers may notice after growing this tree, the area surrounding the tree will begin to flash with different changing colors, similar to the Enchanted Forest. Adventurers may also notice a magical sound coming from the tree.

  Also, adventurers may note that once one plants a Tree of Transformation, you cannot get back the magic core containing the special property of the tree. If one breaks the core the tree will no longer function.




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我的世界 Minecraft


专区游戏类型: 休闲益智

游戏语言: 简体中文

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